Sunday, October 21, 2007


Start of the C race





Love this kid

Love this guy

Greg trying hard

Single speeder

He's quite the picture poser

She's a cutie

Wish my ass was as small as his

She's fun

Another cute kid racing with his dad

Here's the dog picture

Jonica and her dog

Ross is a great guy

Linda working the run up

They were having a ball

Jordan with his parents

Looks like they know each other
The guy on the right doesn't look happy

He looks happy

Work it Tim, work it


Kristy Kreme said...

Great Shots, Deb! Hope you had fun : ) See ya next weekend

Lunatic Biker said...

As always, thanks sweetheart for all the work you do to make race day go so smoothly.

xoxo - Ray

Lynne said...

Those little boys are so cute! And I don't usually think kids are cute. Wish I'd seen them when I was there, they look so happy.

Thanks for all your help yesterday. I'm so glad you were there ;-) That start was so confusing to me and I didn't plan for the beer and stuff very well, did I?

Oh, and that dog crossed the course at one point and I was completely distracted-it was so big I was trying to figure out why the little kid was SO hairy, lol!! He (she?) was a pretty cool looking dog.

pete said...

I haven't seen Jonica in years! If you read this Hi Jonica! Great pictures!

Lynne said...

Are you guys coming out this weekend?